Friday, November 30, 2007

The Best Informaiton on freuds interpretation of dream

Why I Like freuds interpretation of dreamAncient Symbols

Dreaming of arms, or of being enveloped, can represent an unconscious desire to live your desires. This kind of dream often represents a type of wish fulfillment. If you dream of your arms being tied or otherwise obstructed, you may be feeling "tied down" or restricted in your waking life.

Many people assume that dreaming about the boss is due to anxieties about their job, but more often the boss in your dream represents a different authority figure in your life. In some cases, the boss may represent part of your own psyche that is controlling other parts.

It can be difficult to interpret your dreams without some expert guidence. This ebook gives you that help by explaining what elements of a dream are in symbolic terms.

dream interpretations



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