Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My freuds interpretation of dream Reviews

freuds interpretation of dream UpdatesDream Dinners

In trying to understand the importance of dream sleep to young babies, scientists have theorized that REM sleep plays an important role in the development of the baby's brain. One reason for this theory is that babies born prematurely have been seen to spend an even greater percentage of their sleep in the REM state than full term babies. Premature babies can spend up to 80% of their sleep time in the REM state.

As babies become older, and the brain matures, the amount of time spent in dream sleep begins to decrease. By the time the average baby is one year old, the percentage of sleep time spent in the REM sleep has dropped to 35%. This finding is thought to suggest that REM sleep is important to the baby's mental development. It is known that adults deprived of REM sleep suffer from a variety of psychological problems, so it makes sense that REM sleep and mental development are connected.

It can be difficult to interpret your dreams without some expert guidence. This ebook gives you that help by explaining what elements of a dream are in symbolic terms.

dykes dreaming wet short stories



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