Thursday, August 02, 2007

My freuds interpretation of dream Reviews

freuds interpretation of dream UpdatesDream Weaver

Dream Interpretation - Dreams About Houses

Dreams about houses are among the most common. Dreams, both of familiar and unfamiliar houses, are great fun to interpret, and they can even reveal clues into the personality of the dreamer. Clues like whether the house is familiar or strange, comforting or scary, in good repair or falling down, provide interesting insights into the dreamer's conscious mind.
In addition, each room of the house is a specific symbolic element all its own. Dreaming of one room over another provides clues into your state of mind, your fears, and your anxieties. Let's start our room by room examination of your "dream house".
The Attic
The attic is thought to symbolize your higher self, or your spiritual development. Dreams involving an attic, or climbing into an attic, often represent the search for spiritual enlightenment or a higher purpose.

The Bathroom
Dreaming of a bathroom can mean that something is not quite right in your life, and that a cleansing or purging is needed. It can also mean that something in your life is not working, and that you need to move on.

Dream interpretation is a means to understand the dreams you have by interpretting elements as symbols to other things.

dream meaning



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