Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Best Informaiton on freuds interpretation of dream

freuds interpretation of dream BargainsDream Dresser

The Downstairs
The downstairs of a house, and particularly the basement, can symbolize the subconscious mind and also hidden or repressed desires. Disturbing dreams featuring frightening basements are often an attempt to come to terms with disturbing aspects of your psyche.

The Ground Floor
The ground floor of the house can be seen as a symbol of what is currently happening in your life. The ground floor is often a representation of the daily life, or the mundane and everyday events in life.

An dream meaning is something that can be derived from a recalled dream. It is a matter of interpretting what you remember.

dream interpretation events

dream meaning




At 7:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

A good video about dreams that I just watched is Remembering and Interpreting Dreams on YouTube. The author, Dr. Judith Orloff has written many books which explain how dreams are our intuition and explains how our intuition plays a significant role in our physical and mental health. I hope you find it interesting.


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